Monday, October 27, 2014

Server Responses #8

Response from HIEROPHANT Data Server to Query: Democracy in the Democratic Republic of China

No information is available in response to this query. This query has been forwarded to the public data server.

Response from Public Data Server to Query: Democracy in the Democratic Republic of China

Democratic elections were held in the Democratic Republic of China once every six years, selecting parliamentary representatives on a national and local level. Contemporary historical sources largely agree these elections were free and fair.

Response from HIEROPHANT Data Server to Query: Baseliner Supremacism

Interpreted as: Autotropic Ludditism

No information is available in response to this query. This query has been forwarded to the public data server.

Response from Public Data Server to Query: Autotropic Ludditism

Although autotropic ludditism was a significant factor in the Neutralist revolt, it is now generally recognized as a form of group separatism and deprecated by all right-thinking Republic Citizens.

Response from HIEROPHANT Data Server to Query: Anti-Sorcery Advocacy

No information is available in response to this query. This query has been forwarded to the public data server.

Response from Public Data Server to Query: Anti-Sorcery Advocacy

Although anti-sorcery advocacy was a significant factor in the Neutralist revolt, it is no generally recognized as a form of neutralism and deprecated by all right-thinking Republic Citizens.

Response from HIEROPHANT Data Server to Query: simcaf

No information is available in response to this query. This query has been forwarded to the public data server.

Response from Public Data Server to Query: simcaf

Recreational and stimulating water-based drink incorporating caffeine, theobromine, carbohydrates, and artificial flavors, intended to replicate the taste of a luxury drink known as “coffee”, formed by filtering water through the ground seeds of the coffee plant. Although the coffee plant continued to be raised during in small quantities during the Martian guild-feudalist period, and is periodically revived via cloning, the expense of growing coffee compared to standard methods of bacterial farming and protein electrosynthesis makes wide-scale use economically prohibitive.

Response from HIEROPHANT Data Server to Query: Possible non-POISON SKY publicly known faster than light travel methods

Interpreted as: Possible non-POISON GATE publicly known faster than light travel methods

There are numerous claims of faster-than-light travel in known DocInt and other sources that appear to be dissimilar from POISON GATE. However, all methods that have been directly investigated have proved to pose analogous risks (see: BLACK LENS, FIRESTAR), and it is the considered opinion of the Faster-then-Light SciTech Committee that the underlying operational mathematics of these techniques are almost certainly isomorphic to POISON GATE operational mathematics. Other reports are not amenable to investigation and are considered probably fictitious.

Response from HIEROPHANT Data Server to Query: Oath (Republic Citizenship) and Second Oath. Differences/requirements? Enforcement mechanisms for these Oaths?

No information is available in response to this query. This query has been forwarded to the public data server.

Response from Public Data Server to Query: Oath (Republic Citizenship) and Second Oath. Differences/requirements? Enforcement mechanisms for these Oaths?

The Revolutionary Oath, also known as the First Oath or the Citizenship Oath, is required of all Republic Citizens, and is as follows:

There can be only one nation: humankind. There can be only one state: the Republic of Man. There can be only one goal: victory. This I swear to uphold with all my powers, may the spirit of mankind help me.

The Revolutionary Oath is sworn verbally, and is traditionally renewed once per year during the annual Victory Day celebration. Swearing of the Revolutionary Oath enrolls the Oathtaker as a Citizen of the Republic, subject to state discipline and direction.

The Second Oath is required of all Citizens who wish to pursue elected office and other administrative and command positions of class C or higher, and consists of autotropic neural modification to eliminate any elements of the personality that would lead to corruption or failure to fully respect and implement the Revolutionary Charter, or otherwise contradict the First Oath. The Second Oath may be enacted by any qualified psychoneurologist, witnessed by a member of the Local Executive Committee. Tampering with or disabling the Second Oath modifications is punishable by death followed by post-mortem interrogation, extinction of all Citizen Honors (if applicable), and listing as a Dishonorable (First Class) on the Wall of Shame.

Response from HIEROPHANT Data Server to Query: Why would someone decline to take the citizenship oath?

No information is available in response to this query. This query has been forwarded to the public data server.

Response from Public Data Server to Query: Why would someone decline to take the citizenship oath?

Although it is difficult for a right-thinking Republic Citizen to understand why any person would not volunteer for service to their species, there are a number of reasons why non-Citizens might elect to not swear the Citizenship Oath. These include: apathy; hedonism; lack of discipline; disrespect for authority; and desire to pursue personal goals that would conflict with service to the Republic. It is the considered opinion of the Public Mental Hygiene Committee that these are not necessarily indications of psychological disturbance, although they are obviously personality flaws.

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