Monday, October 27, 2014

Server Responses #7

Response from HIEROPHANT Data Server to Query: Personal affluence scale

No information is available in response to this query. This query has been forwarded to the public data server.

Response from Public Data Server to Query: Personal affluence scale

Metric developed by the Econometricians' Guild to measure perceived affluence of a society. Based on median income available for non-essentials weighted by commodities, measured logarithmically, with every point representing a doubling of effective median disposable income. Examples include:

The United States of America, 2000 AD: 4.1
Democratic Republic of China, 2080 AD: 4.7
The North American Technate, 2080 AD: 4.4
Early Second Golden Age: 3.1 to 6.4
Middle Second Golden Age: 7.4
Late Second Golden Age: 8.9
Martian Guild-Feudalist City-States: -1.2 to 1.1
Republic of Mankind: 5.1

Response from HIEROPHANT Data Server to Query: how did technocratic movements come to power towards the end of the first golden age?

Available information on the HIEROPHANT data server is MaxConInfo with security phrase CRYSTAL TOWER. You are not cleared for this information.

This query has been forwarded to the public data server.

Response from Public Data Server to Query: how did technocratic movements come to power towards the end of the first golden age?

Following the economic collapses of the 2030's, and the failure of mainstream political groups to offer effective solutions, the Technocratic Movement emerged as a major political force within the United States, Canada, and Mexico, offering what they described as practical engineering solutions to the nation's problems. Backed by wealthy donors and powerful elements of the existing intelligence and military apparatuses, they were seen as an alternative to growing left- and right-wing revolutionary movements, described by one sponsor as “a revolution we can control.” Following the election of President Hale on a Technocratic platform in 2040, the economy was successfully stabilized by extreme measures, and popular support grew for the full implementation of the Technocratic program. This coincided with a purge of anti-Technocratic elements from the military and intelligence services, and the repression of dissent. A full merger of the United States, Canada, and Mexico into the North American Technate was ultimately achieved in 2046. The success of the North American Technocratic movement was subsequently emulated by NorAmTech allies and vassals elsewhere.

Response from HIEROPHANT Data Server to Query: Russian Federation

No information is available in response to this query. This query has been forwarded to the public data server.

Response from Public Data Server to Query: Russian Federation

Former state-entity in the northern Euro-Asian land mass of Earth during the First Golden Age. Successor state to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and major resource producer. Precipitated the economic crises of the 2030's, when it was revealed that their mineral reserves, particularly of petroleum – a major energy source during the First Golden Age – were in fact far smaller then publicly acknowledged. Subsequently fell under DemRepSin influence. Depopulated by bioweapons following the Last War.

Response from HIEROPHANT Data Server to Query: Democratic Republic of China

No information is available in response to this query. This query has been forwarded to the public data server.

Response from Public Data Server to Query: Democratic Republic of China

Major state-entity located in eastern Asia of Earth during the First Golden Age. Successor state to the People's Republic of China following the democratic reforms of the 2030's, and the leading economic and cultural power of the late First Golden Age. Destroyed by nuclear bombardment and bioweapon attack in the Last War.

Response from HIEROPHANT Data Server to Query: Dark Republic governmental structure

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Response from Public Data Server to Query: Dark Republic governmental structure

The government of the Republic of Mankind is set by the Revolutionary Charter, modification 6.71.8. The structure of the government is holographic, replicating a set of structures in larger or smaller scale as needed. The Assembled Citizenship on a given station form the Local Legislative and Policy Assembly, while a Local Executive Committee of five is elected by secret ballot form them to oversee and coordinate operations, and to form and implement policy on matters that cannot be disseminated publicly for reasons of information security or safety. The Melanicus Local Executive Committee also functions as the Republic Executive Committee and the Task Force HIEROPHANT Executive Committee, setting long-range policy directives for other Republic stations. Eligibility for membership on the Executive Committee and other Designated Public Offices requires receiving the Second Oath, which is available on a voluntary basis and may be administered by any qualified psychoneurologist in the presence of a Council witness.

Response from HIEROPHANT Data Server to Query: Dark Republic capital world

No information is available in response to this query. This query has been forwarded to the public data server.

Response from Public Data Server to Query: Dark Republic capital world

According to the Revolutionary Charter, the capital of the Republic of Mankind is Earth. Unfortunately, due to the occupation of Earth by TYRANT, the realization of this capital is not practical at present, and primary coordinating authority resides on Melanicus until relocation becomes practical.

Response from HIEROPHANT Data Server to Query: Average human lifespan in the Dark Republic

No information is available in response to this query. This query has been forwarded to the public data server.

Response from Public Data Server to Query: Average human lifespan in the Dark Republic

Based on statistical analysis, the median human lifespan is projected to be approximately 900 years, limited only by accident and deaths by violence.

Response from HIEROPHANT Data Server to Query: Difference between dark republican citizens and dark republican residents

No information is available in response to this query. This query has been forwarded to the public data server.

Response from Public Data Server to Query: Difference between dark republican citizens and dark republican residents

Republic Citizens have sworn the Citizenship Oath, are subject to State Discipline, and are authorized to access Moderately Controlled Information without restriction unless they have been designated as Psychologically Vulnerable. Republic non-Citizens are subject only to the Order Code, and are permitted access only to Minimally Controlled Information. As per the recommendations of the Long-Range Strategic Planning Panel, the Republic targets a constant 94-6 Citizen/non-Citizen ratio to preserve cognitive diversity.

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