Friday, October 17, 2014

Server Responses #4

Response from HIEROPHANT Data Server to Query: SULTAN

Exotic quantum vacuum state. Exposure of baryonic matter to SULTAN causes rapid decay into gravitational radiation and exotic subatomic particles. SULTAN-invocation systems are used in power generation, propulsion, and weapons systems.

SULTAN is extremely dangerous if not properly contained. If not controlled by an invoked containment field, SULTAN will expand rapidly out to a varying radius, typically up to 50 km, before collapsing to the primitive vacuum state.

Information on summoning and controlling SULTAN constitutes a level one memetic hazard. SULTAN-invocation systems may only be built or serviced by personnel who have received appropriate training in proper techniques for information control and sanitation related to SULTAN.

According to DocInt, SULTAN constitutes a localized duplication?/summoning?/simulacrum? of the alien entity known as Azathoth, said to be the idiot creator of the universe and to reside at the center of all things. The veracity of this account cannot be determined from available information.

Further information on SULTAN is MaxConInfo with security phrase SULTAN. You are not authorized to access this information. If you have a need to access this information, contact the HIEROPHANT InfoCon Committee for authorization. If this is an emergency, contact the HIEROPHANT InfoCon Committee Duty Officer with security phrase ABSOLUTE YELLOW.

Response from HIEROPHANT Data Server to Query: Azathoth

According to DocInt, alien entity supposed to be the creator of the universe and to reside at its center. Commonly identified with SULTAN. EVANGELIST is commonly described as its' “messenger”. The veracity of this account cannot be determined from available information.

Response from HIEROPHANT Data Server to Query: Scalar Waves

No information is available in response to this query. This query has been forwarded to the public data server.

Response from Public Data Server to Query: Scalar Waves

Non-vectorial electromagnetic radiation. First theorized by Nikolai Tesla in the early 20th century AD, but not developed into functional technology until the Second Golden Age. Used in power transmission, weapons systems, sensor systems, communications systems, and neurological engineering. Exposure to concentrated scalar radiation causes hallucinations and may lead to permanent psychosis in personnel scoring 2.0 or lower on the PsyVul scale.

Response from HIEROPHANT Data Server to Query: Autistic Mode

No information is available in response to this query. This query has been forwarded to the public data server.

Response from Public Data Server to Query: Autistic Mode

Autistic mode is an operational mode available on most braincases. Setting your mind to autistic mode severs any electronic communications links, separates your organic mind from its cognitive supplementers, sets your sensorium to low-resolution audio/visual/tactile mode, and triggers auto-injection of cognitive limiters into the braincase. Autistic mode is used to limit the potential for contamination when exposed to memetic hazards. Autistic mode should only be used when necessary, as autistic mode greatly reduces operational efficiency and most non-baseliner personnel find it extremely painful.

Response from HIEROPHANT Data Server to Query: HORNET

HORNET is a faction of non-baseliners who have been infected with an informational weapon of unknown nature or origin. HORNET was first detected when Fleet Support Ship Gel-M7611 was infected in 17,021 AD. HORNET does not appear to be a memetic hazard in the conventional sense: based on recovered logs from the loss of Gel-M7611, it is spread by software infiltration, rather then by memetic infection, and causes complete overwrite and loss of the sufferer's personality and organic memories.

HORNET may be identified with an unnamed entity referred to in DocInt as a possessing spirit or demon, but this cannot be confirmed at this time.

Besides Gel-M7611, HORNET is believed to have infected several other Republic personnel who went missing at approximately the same time and place. Based on known combat losses to Republic counterstrikes and the productive capacity of a Sic Semper Tyrannis-class Fleet Support Ship, HORNET's current fleet is estimated at three cruisers, five scouts, one transport, and one Fleet Support Ship with associated auxiliaries. The most recent sighting of the HORNET Fleet Support Ship was in the Proxima Hydrae system.

Response from HIEROPHANT Data Server to Query: Ghouls

Slang term for humans with Necrophagic Genetic Anomaly. First discovered 2108 AD.

Further information is MaxConInfo with security phrase BLACK GALLEY. You are not authorized to access this information. If you have a need to access this information, contact the HIEROPHANT InfoCon Committee for authorization. If this is an emergency, contact the HIEROPHANT InfoCon Committee Duty Officer with security phrase ABSOLUTE YELLOW.

Response from HIEROPHANT Data Server to Query: Great Race of Yith

Alien race that, according to DocInt, inhabited Earth during the prehuman period, parallel to the Architects. The Great Race is not depicted in known Architect mosaic art and its existence cannot be independently verified. According to BLACK GALLEY, the Great Race possessed technology enabling the displacement of information up to and including entire minds through time, which they used to gather historical and scientific information and as a form of migration to evade existential threats. They were able to perform this feat without suffering the known consequences of POISON GATE and similar technologies, making use of an invocation denoted as “the Pnakotic Pentagram” for protection. There is no independent verification of the existence of the Great Race, as all other DocInt sources on the subject appear to derive from BLACK GALLEY. As such, the existence of the Great Race is considered extremely implausible, and it is probably a fabrication or myth.

Be Aware: This query phrase has been tagged by the HIEROPHANT Faster-Then-Light SciTech Committee. If you have information to contribute on the Great Race of Yith, please contact the HIEROPHANT Faster-Then-Light SciTech Committee Duty Officer.

Response from HIEROPHANT Data Server to Query: POISON GATE

Geometric system describing the physical universe as a finite-dimensional submanifold of an infinite-dimensional Banach space, and describing techniques for locating and exploiting singularities in the projection from the submanifold to local space. Operational use of POISON GATE allows translation from tangible space into a higher-dimensional submanifold, allowing transit between two arbitrary points in space and time.

Knowledge of or operational use of POISON GATE or any other effective method for faster-then-light travel leads to attack by hypergeometric alien entities codenamed CERBERUS, known in DocInt as “the Hounds of Tindalos”. CERBERUS has been observed surviving point-blank detonation of several high-yield Z-bombs in succession. There are no known effective measures to destroy or contain CERBERUS.

According to information retrieved from DocInt, it is possible to escape the attentions of CERBERUS through the intercession of other powerful alien entities, most notably EVANGELIST.

Further information is MaxConInfo with security phrase POISON GATE. You are not authorized to access this information. If you have a need to access this information, contact the HIEROPHANT InfoCon Committee for authorization. If this is an emergency, contact the HIEROPHANT InfoCon Committee Duty Officer with security phrase ABSOLUTE YELLOW.

Be Aware: This query phrase has been tagged by the HIEROPHANT Faster-Then-Light SciTech Committee. If you have information to contribute on POISON GATE, please contact the HIEROPHANT Faster-Then-Light SciTech Committee Duty Officer.

Response from HIEROPHANT Data Server to Query: Memetic Hazard Levels

Unsafe information is classified on a five-level memetic hazard scale:

Level five memetic hazards are information which is likely to hinder operational effectiveness, e.g. classism, separatism, etc. Level five memetic hazards are marked by warnings but distribution is not restricted except to persons with specific psychological disorders that make them vulnerable.

Level four memetic hazards are coherent and rhetorically effective presentations of information which is likely to hinder operational effectiveness. Level four memetic hazards are marked by warnings but distribution is not restricted except to non-Citizens and to the psychologically vulnerable, typically 2.0 or lower on the PsyVul scale.

Level three memetic hazards are information that is known to cause psychological disturbance over time but which is considered low risk. Distribution of level three memetic hazards is restricted on a need-to-know basis and protected by security phrases.

Level two memetic hazards are information that has a high probability of causing insanity or otherwise rendering a person operationally ineffective, but for which the median period before loss of operational effectiveness is at least one week. Level two memetic hazards may only be viewed using sacrificial nervous systems under information quarantine conditions.

Level one memetic hazards are information that has a high probability of causing insanity or otherwise rendering a person operationally ineffective, and for which the median period before loss of operational effectiveness is less then one week. Level one memetic hazards may only be viewed using sacrificial nervous systems in remote secure facilities under information quarantine conditions.

Response from HIEROPHANT Data Server to Query: Modern Dark Republic non-baseliner biological and cybernetic components

The typical Republic Citizen non-baseliner is a polymind equipped with multiple braincases containing budded nervous systems linked electronically through a common neural axis. This allows the Citizen to maintain multiple lines of thought simultaneously. The neural axis is typically electroically linked to crystal matrix memory banks, computational arrays, and other cognitive supplementers.

The braincase or braincases is typically either embedded in or linked to a physical chassis. Many Citizens have multiple chasses, used for different purposes. The most common chasses are astromorphs and humanoid anthromorphs. Although some braincases are specially modified to be contained within an anthromorph chassis, they are usually instead controlled remotely. More exotic chasses are sometimes also used, either for artistic, military, or industrial purposes.

Response from HIEROPHANT Data Server to Query: Agitator Rifles

No information is available in response to this query. This query has been forwarded to the public data server.

Response from Public Data Server to Query: Agitator Rifles

An agitator rifle is a weapons system based on the use of scalar waves to deliver energy to a target, in a process analogous to scalar energy transmission. The effect against unshielded targets is to generate strong electromagnetic radiation at a point source inside the target.

Agitator rifles have a low energy efficiency compared to lasers, but are the preferred weapons system for point-defense and precision strike because of their high accuracy, low mass, and ability to circumvent most forms of armor. In addition, energy losses are lost as scalar radiation rather then as waste heat, greatly reducing the cooling requirements for the system.

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